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Add a 'final_score' column to a data frame that has been scored using apply_scores() by calculating a weighted mean of all other scores.


score_final(df, scores)



A data frame. The result of apply_scores().


scores A data frame of score specifications. See scores_init. This must be the same as the scores passed into apply_scores().


If no scores were created, the final score will not be added.]

See also


data <- tibble::tibble(
  x = 1:10

scores <- create_score(
  score_type = "Linear", colname = "x", score_name = "Default",
  weight = 1, lb = 1, ub = 6, exponential = FALSE
scores <- create_score(
  score_type = "Peak", colname = "x", score_name = "Peak score",
  weight = 2, lb = 2, ub = 8, centre = 5, inverse = FALSE,
  exponential = FALSE

scored <- apply_scores(data, scores)
score_final(scored, scores)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>        x `Score 1: x` `Peak score` final_score
#>    <int>        <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1     1          0          0          0     
#>  2     2          0.2        0          0.0667
#>  3     3          0.4        0.333      0.356 
#>  4     4          0.6        0.667      0.644 
#>  5     5          0.8        1          0.933 
#>  6     6          1          0.667      0.778 
#>  7     7          1          0.333      0.556 
#>  8     8          1          0          0.333 
#>  9     9          1          0          0.333 
#> 10    10          1          0          0.333